Why does it say fixed gear? Really?
Found on the Urban Outfitters webstore.
Really? I understand the correlation between the store and the idea of being "hip", but is this just too much? Its not like they are selling those fixed gears. Do the shoes fit nicely in the cage? I'm really not sure. Maybe if this were a different blog, the tone of this post would be much different. Actually, that is one thing i am sure of.
Come on Urban...
Also, I recently saw Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes. Both great. Fleet Foxes wins however, based on the smile placed firmly on my face the entire set. Dope setting too.
And, in typical jts fashion, a music rec. Jeremy Enigk. No link. Sorry. Look him up over at the Hype Machine. That site is where it's at. I guess I kinda did the work for you already there. No excuses now.
I think you're getting closer to an hpc invite than you can handle...
This, along with 100,000,000 other reasons makes me want to throw my bike in the trash.
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