Nicole Atkins.
St. Vincent.
Cat Power.
Three beautiful women with beautiful voices who make beautiful music.
Had the pleasure of seeing all three within a few weeks of each other.
Each one was great in their own right.
Ms. Atkins, I look forward to saying I saw you at the entry. And saying I took you out on a date after. Of course, the later part of that statement will be a lie.
Ms. Clark, I thoroughly enjoyed all of the different arrangements of your songs. It was a pleasant surprise. You also covered a song from Let It Be. I think it's a sign.
Ms. Marshall, I love that you have conquered your fear of the stage. You really own it up there. Still quite eccentric, but now, in the good way.

Bon Iver.
I also had the pleasure of seeing this guy at an in store at The Electric Fetus.
SO good live. If you like the record, you must see him live. His songs really take new life. Don't blow it and miss him at the Turf Club in April.
For awhile I wasn't really going to a lot of shows. I'm really glad that this is changing. I've just gotta find a partner in crime.
I've been trying really hard to keep good on my resolution to not blow it in 08. I think I've been doing alright so far as evidenced above. Also been reading, buying vinyl, not blowing money left and right.
The CD is coming along nicely. Working hard on that.
Moving in like a week. 2535 Johnson st.
Haven't taken enough photos, but I'm working on a digi to fix that.
Anyone else ready for some nice weather?